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What’s the Silliest Thing Your Dog Does to Get Your Attention?

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Helpful Pooch
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Hey everyone!

I’ve gotta ask what’s the most ridiculous thing your dog does when they want attention? Benny is a little drama king, and he’s so extra about getting my attention. Whether it’s pawing at my leg while giving me those eyes or trying to steal my food with his ridiculously long ears flopping around, he knows how to be a little attention hog.

I think Benny believes he can win me over with those big puppy eyes, but let’s be real, I’m onto his game!! Anyone else’s dog pull stunts like this?

Would love to hear your funny stories!

Emily and Benny

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Posts: 8

Oh my gosh, Benny sounds like a total character! Ollie is pretty much the same way. He has this hilarious thing where he’ll sit directly in front of me, staring at me with his biggest, saddest eyes. If that doesn't work, he’ll dramatically flop over and start rolling around on the floor like he's in a soap opera. It's like he's saying, "Look how cute I am! Now give me all your attention!"

And when that doesn't work, he takes things to the next level and starts squeaking his toy incessantly while I'm trying to get anything done. He knows exactly what he’s doing. I can't get mad at that face though!

It’s like they have their own little playbook for attention and I swear, Ollie’s is all about making sure I never, ever forget who’s the center of my universe. 😂

Helpful Pooch
Joined: 3 months ago
Posts: 5

Oh, I’m so glad I’m not the only one with a dog that knows how to work the system! Charlie is a master at getting attention, and his go-to move is to give the most exaggerated sighs whenever he’s not the center of attention. It’s like he’s trying to make me feel guilty for not petting him 24/7.

But the funniest part? If he’s really trying to get my attention, he’ll slowly nudge whatever I’m holding like a book or my phone until it’s almost falling off my lap. Then, once it’s teetering, he’ll give me the most dramatic "look" as if to say, "You really want to spend time with that over me?" 😂

Sounds like Benny’s got the same idea with those puppy eyes! They know exactly how to get us, don’t they? 😂
