A Complete Guide to Chinese Crested Dog: History, Characteristics, and Care

Brief Overview of Chinese Crested Dogs

The Chinese Crested Dog is a unique and charming breed known for its distinctive appearance and lively personality. This small dog is famous for its two distinct varieties: the Hairless, which boasts smooth skin with tufts of fur on the head, tail, and feet, and the Powderpuff, which is covered in a soft, silky coat. Despite their delicate looks, Chinese Cresteds are lively, affectionate, and make wonderful companions for the right owner.

Why Chinese Crested Dogs Make Great Pets

Chinese Crested Dogs are excellent companions for those seeking a devoted, playful, and affectionate pet. They are known for their loving nature, making them ideal lap dogs. Cresteds are also highly adaptable, fitting well into both apartment living and larger homes. Their playful demeanor, combined with their low-shedding coats, makes them a popular choice for families, singles, and seniors alike. They bond closely with their owners and are known to be particularly good with children and other pets when properly socialized.

Chinese Crested Dog Statistics:

  • Dog Breed Group: Toy Group
  • Height: 11–13 inches
  • Weight: 8–12 pounds
  • Life Expectancy: 13–18 years

Quick Facts:

  • Coat: Hairless (with silky fur on the head, tail, and feet) or Powderpuff (soft, silky double coat)
  • Club Recognition: American Kennel Club (AKC), United Kennel Club (UKC), The Kennel Club (UK), Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI)
  • Ideal Owner: Singles, seniors, families with older children, apartment dwellers
  • Energy Level/Exercise Needs: Moderate; enjoys daily walks and playtime but also loves to cuddle
  • Space Requirements: Adaptable; suited to both apartments and houses with yards
  • Grooming Requirements: Moderate to high; Hairless variety requires skin care, Powderpuff needs regular brushing
  • Training: Intelligent and eager to please, but can be sensitive; positive reinforcement works best
  • Are they good family dogs?: Yes, particularly with older children
  • Tendency to Bark: Low to moderate; will alert but not overly vocal

History and Origins

Origins of Chinese Crested Dog

The exact origins of the Chinese Crested Dog are somewhat shrouded in mystery, but it is widely believed that these dogs have ancient roots. The breed likely descended from African hairless dogs, which were later miniaturized by the Chinese. Chinese sailors reportedly used these dogs on their ships to hunt vermin, and they eventually spread to other parts of the world through trade routes. By the 1800s, Chinese Crested Dogs were being exhibited in European and American dog shows, where they began to gain popularity for their unique appearance and charming personalities.

Key Milestones in the Breed’s Development

  • Ancient Times: Believed to have descended from African hairless dogs, miniaturized by Chinese breeders.
  • 19th Century: Gained popularity in Europe and America through exhibitions.
  • 1959: Officially recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC).
  • 20th Century: Gained a reputation as a unique companion dog, often seen in dog shows and as a family pet.

Physical Characteristics

Size and Weight:

  • The Chinese Crested Dog is a small, slender breed standing 11–13 inches tall at the shoulder and weighing between 8 and 12 pounds.

Coat Type and Colors:

  • Hairless Variety: Features smooth skin with patches of silky hair on the head (crest), tail (plume), and feet (socks). The skin can range in color from pink to black, with or without spots.
  • Powderpuff Variety: Covered in a soft, straight, double coat that can come in a wide range of colors, including white, black, blue, and chocolate.

Facial Features:

  • Chinese Cresteds have expressive, almond-shaped eyes that are typically dark, though lighter-colored dogs may have lighter eyes. Their ears are large and upright, adding to their distinctive look.

Unique Physical Traits:

  • The breed’s most distinctive feature is the stark contrast between the Hairless and Powderpuff varieties. The Hairless variety has exposed skin that needs careful protection, while the Powderpuff’s coat requires regular grooming.

Temperament and Personality

Chinese Crested Dog’s Temperament:

  • Chinese Cresteds are affectionate, playful, and very loyal to their families. They thrive on human interaction and enjoy being the center of attention. Their playful nature is balanced by a calm demeanor when indoors.

Behavioral Characteristics:

  • They are known to be agile and love to climb, jump, and explore. Despite their energy, they are also content to relax and cuddle, making them excellent lap dogs.

Barking Tendency:

  • Chinese Cresteds are moderate barkers. They will alert their owners to new visitors or unusual noises but are generally not overly vocal.

Suitability as a Family Pet:

  • These dogs are good family pets, particularly in homes with older children who can understand their delicate nature. They are gentle and affectionate but can be shy around strangers if not well-socialized.

Compatibility with Other Dogs:

  • Chinese Cresteds typically get along well with other dogs, especially when raised together. They enjoy having a playmate and can often be found engaging in playful antics with other pets.

Compatibility with Cats:

  • With proper introductions, Chinese Cresteds can coexist peacefully with cats. Their friendly and playful nature usually helps them get along well with feline companions.

Tolerance for Solitude:

  • Chinese Cresteds do not like being left alone for long periods. They are very people-oriented and can develop separation anxiety if left alone too often.

Adaptability to Hot/Cold Weather:

  • The Hairless variety is more sensitive to extreme temperatures, requiring sunscreen in hot weather and clothing in cold weather. The Powderpuff, with its full coat, has better insulation but still needs protection in extreme conditions.


Ease of Training:

  • Chinese Cresteds are intelligent and eager to please, making them relatively easy to train. However, they can be sensitive, so a gentle approach with positive reinforcement is essential.


  • This breed is highly intelligent and quick to learn new commands. They enjoy mental stimulation and can excel in agility and obedience training.

Potential for Mouthiness:

  • Chinese Cresteds are not particularly mouthy, but like many dogs, they may nip during play or when teething as puppies.

Prey Drive:

  • They have a low prey drive, which makes them less likely to chase after small animals compared to other breeds.

Tendency to Bark or Howl:

  • As mentioned earlier, Chinese Cresteds are moderate barkers. They may bark to alert you but are not known for excessive barking or howling.

Wanderlust Potential:

  • Chinese Cresteds are generally homebodies. They tend to stick close to their owners and are not known for wandering off, but proper training and supervision are still necessary.

Health and Care

Common Health Issues

  • Dental Problems: Like many small breeds, Chinese Cresteds are prone to dental issues. Regular brushing and dental check-ups are essential to prevent tooth decay and gum disease.
  • Skin Conditions: The Hairless variety can suffer from skin issues, such as acne, dryness, and sunburn. Regular skincare routines, including moisturizing and sun protection, are crucial.
  • Luxating Patella: This condition, where the kneecap slips out of place, is common in small breeds. It can cause discomfort and may require surgery in severe cases.
  • Eye Problems: Chinese Cresteds can be prone to progressive retinal atrophy (PRA) and other eye conditions, so regular eye exams are recommended.
  • Allergies: Both varieties can be prone to allergies, which may manifest as skin irritation, ear infections, or gastrointestinal issues.

Grooming Requirements

  • Shedding: Powderpuff variety sheds moderately, while the Hairless variety does not shed, making them a good option for those with allergies.
  • Drooling Potential: Very low, Cresteds are not known to drool.
  • Ease of Grooming: The Hairless variety requires regular skincare and occasional baths, while the Powderpuff needs regular brushing to prevent mats and tangles.

Exercise and Activity Needs

  • Energy Level: Moderate; they enjoy daily walks and playtime but also have a strong desire to relax and cuddle.
  • Exercise Needs: 20–30 minutes of exercise per day is usually sufficient. They enjoy interactive play and can also excel in dog sports like agility.
  • Potential for Playfulness: High; they are playful and enjoy games and activities that engage both their mind and body.

Nutrition and Diet Tips

  • Best Feeding Schedule: Two small meals per day are recommended to maintain their energy levels and prevent obesity.
  • Potential for Weight Gain: Moderate; they can gain weight if overfed or not given enough exercise, so portion control and regular activity are important.


  • Chinese Crested Dogs are long-lived, with a life expectancy of 13 to 18 years, provided they receive proper care and regular veterinary check-ups.

Living with Chinese Crested Dog

Finding a Chinese Crested Dog Puppy:

  • When looking for a Chinese Crested puppy, it’s important to find a reputable breeder who prioritizes health and temperament. Puppies should be socialized early and come from parents who have been screened for common genetic conditions.

Preparing Your Home:

  • Ensure your home is ready for a new puppy by creating a safe, welcoming environment. For the Hairless variety, consider their sensitivity to temperature and skin care needs, such as soft bedding and clothing for warmth.

Chinese Crested Dog Behavior in the Home:

  • Chinese Cresteds are loving and enjoy being close to their owners. They are often found cuddling on the couch or following their owners around the house. They are generally quiet indoors and adapt well to various living situations.

Exercise and Playtime:

  • These dogs enjoy moderate exercise and playtime. They love games like fetch, hide-and-seek, and agility training. Regular walks help them stay fit and mentally stimulated.

Training and Obedience:

  • Positive reinforcement techniques work best with Chinese Cresteds, who can be sensitive to harsh training methods. They respond well to treats, praise, and play as rewards for good behavior.


  • Early socialization is key to ensuring that your Chinese Crested is confident and well-adjusted. Exposure to different people, places, and other animals will help prevent shyness or anxiety.

Famous Chinese Crested Dog Owners

Chinese Crested Dogs have been popular among celebrities and notable figures due to their unique appearance and affectionate nature. Famous owners include:

  • Alyssa Milano: The actress is known to be a fan of the breed, and she has been spotted with her Chinese Crested, named Lucy.
  • Cesar Millan: The famous dog behaviorist, also known as “The Dog Whisperer,” has a Chinese Crested named Coco.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Are Chinese Crested Dogs hypoallergenic?

  • Yes, both varieties of the Chinese Crested are considered hypoallergenic, with the Hairless being particularly good for those with allergies due to their minimal shedding.

Q: Do Chinese Crested Dogs need sunscreen?

  • The Hairless variety does need sunscreen when spending time outdoors to protect their exposed skin from sunburn.

Q: Are Chinese Crested Dogs good with children?

  • Yes, they are good with children, especially older ones who can handle them gently. They are playful and enjoy the company of kids, but their delicate nature means they should be supervised during interactions with very young children.

Q: How often should I bathe my Chinese Crested Dog?

  • The Hairless variety should be bathed about once a week to keep their skin clean and healthy. Powderpuffs can be bathed less frequently, about once every month or as needed.

Additional Resources

Breed-Specific Clubs and Organizations:

  • Chinese Crested Club of America (CCCA): Website
  • The Kennel Club (UK): Website

Recommended Books and Further Reading:

  • “The Chinese Crested Dog” by Anna K. Nicholas – A comprehensive guide to the breed’s care, history, and temperament.
  • “The Complete Chinese Crested” by Mary James – Offers insights into the breed’s characteristics, grooming needs, and more.

With their unique looks and charming personalities, Chinese Crested Dogs are a delightful choice for dog lovers seeking a loyal and loving companion. Whether you’re drawn to the Hairless or Powderpuff variety, this breed is sure to bring joy and warmth to any home.